Sed sem magna, pellentesque non felis et, aliquam ultrices elit. In ut lectus eu metus gravida pellentesque. In pulvinar congue hendrerit. Nunc fringilla lacinia lorem, eu iaculis metus vestibulum a. Morbi a accumsan quam, quis efficitur ligula. Donec in augue sagittis, iaculis enim et, consectetur elit. Integer dui sem, convallis nec ligula eu, semper facilisis lorem.
Ut sit amet sollicitudin massa. Nunc scelerisque lacus mi, vitae convallis dui lacinia non. Morbi convallis egestas orci. Praesent eget augue quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi nec odio a est iaculis vestibulum nec et velit. Proin a scelerisque diam. Aliquam ornare lacus et tortor rhoncus rhoncus. Ut at fermentum purus. Mauris porttitor tristique luctus.
The medieval city of Rhodes is located in the Heart of the new city and is the place of greatest interest on the island.
In the Medieval - Old - Town of Rhodes you may for sure enjoy one of the most interesting walks on the island and you will be pleasantly surprised from a Large network of busy little commercial streets delightfully alternating with quiet alleys, you will also be able to spent some very lively evenings wondering around the city and enjoying Greek specialty’s and lovely wine in combination with the Medieval atmosphere that will travel you to deferent eras field with romance and beauty!
The Jewish Museum of Rhodes was established in 1997 to depict the culture of the Jewish communi...
Museums Medieval City of Rhodes
The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes is located in the Medieval City of Rhodes.The museum is hou...
Museums Medieval City of Rhodes
The Palace of Grand Masters in Rhodes this palace was the residence of the governor and adminis...
Museums Medieval City of Rhodes
Collection of 20th century works of art from Greece's most famous artists are on display...
Museums Medieval City of Rhodes